Monday, February 13, 2012

Facebook talk.

Untuk sesetengah orang, facebook menjadi keutamaan. Banyak kebaikkan dan keburukkan facebook dibincangkan di sini sana oleh pakar-pakar, ilmuan-ilmuan, agamawan-agamawan dan orang ternama.

For me, what does facebook means ?

  • It is a medium for me to update myself about my friends and things that happen around. I would love to know what are they doing, to see their pictures and read their thought.
  • I love to read inspirational,  motivational quote, wisdom words posted on facebook.
  • I rarely update status on facebook.
  • I don't upload my picture.
  • Comment on others, seldom.
  • Hit like button, frequently.
  • Browse on friends..... always ^_^
NOT ok!
  • It takes my time almost an hour per login. What the chicken is that huh?
Should be ok,
  • Wise people control the situation. Watch your time !!!

P/s : Dear, TIME is PRICELESS. Take care of it carefully, use wisely! 25 years living with 'time', yet still couldn't manage perfectly. Ya Rabb, forgive me, guide me. Amin.